Thank You and Good Bye

It's the 366th day of the 2016th year of our Gregorian Calendar. And what a year it has been.

I am glad to see end of it.

The New Year, the very first day of January, gives chance for renewed hope and expectations of what the next few months may bring to our short existences.

I find myself slightly melancholic because for all the bad and pain it brought, the start of 2016 also took me on a journey of self-exploration. I did things which I never thought were in me to do. I enjoyed it and even loved it at times.

So I will try and take that with me into the 2017th year of our Gregorian Calendar. I will try to ride that wave of personal triumphs and make them part of my future however long that may be and wherever that may take me this year.

The past only has memories now.
